Hello Students: DAY- 33 Evening Coffee with NEET




·         Character chosen by Mendel: The genes for seven characters chosen by Mendel are present on four chromosomes (i) Chromosome 1- Flower colour and seed colour (ii) Chromosome 4- Flower position, pod shape and plant height (iii) Chromosome 5- Pod colour (iv) Chromosome 7- Seed shape.

·         Isoalleles:Alleles producing similar phenotype but distinguishable amongst themselves through change   options.

·         Psudoalleles:Genes lying side by side, producing related phenotypic effect and distinguishable through a rare crossing over. eg. star (dominant) and asteroid (recessive) traits in Drosophila.

·         Kolreuter (1960): Discovered inheritance to be due to particulate factors. Father of polygenic inheritance.

·         Galton (1883): coined the term eugenics.

·         Correns: Co-rediscoverer of principles of heredity, gave the name of laws to two of the observations of Mendel, discovered incomplete dominance in 1903, and cytoplasmic inheritance in 1909.

·         W. Johannsen: Coined the term pure line (1900), gene (1909), genotype and phenotype (1911).

·         Shull (1914): coined the term heterosis.

·         Bateson: Credited with coining the terms heterozygote and homozygote, F1,F2allele and genetics.

·         Nilsson Ehle (1908): Experimentally proved polygenic/quantitative inheritance for the first time.

·         Actinobiology: Study of effects of radiations  on living organisms.

·         Father of Actionobiology: Mullar

·         Blakeslee (1937): Discovered the effect of colchicines on induction of polyploidy.

·         Winkler (1916): Discovered aneuploidy.

·         Daltonism:Alternate same of red-green colour blindness alter the famous scientist who was afflicted with it.

·         Protoanopia: Red blindness

·         Deuteronopia:Green blindness

·         Ishihora cards: Cards used for checking colour blindness.

·         Gynandromorphs:Individual with both male and female traits.

·         Glucose 6Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency (G-6PD deficiency):It occurs as inborn error of metabolism in some persons. It is also called favism, because beans cause haemolysis in the person suffering from G-6PD deficiency. Antimalarial drugs like primaquin causes haemolysis in such persons. The haemolysis is due to production of H2O2, which is not removed because of G-6PD deficiency and the result is lack of NADPH2. Malarial parasite cannot complete schizogony in G-6PD deficient patients due to premature death of RBCs.


Mr. A. KINGSLIN M.Sc, BEd, Phd,(doing)
Post Graduate Teacher in Botany
St. Mary Goretty Hr. Sec School, Manalikarai 
Kanyakumari district

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